

Fun and Learning in the Wyre Estuary Area and Blackpool

Our monthly meetings are currently held at The Ashley Club, Victoria Road East, Thornton Cleveleys FY5 5HQ.

Copy of Poster

Wyre u3a (University of the Third Age) is one of over 800 u3as across the country and world wide. Like all u3a's it is aimed at people no longer in full time employment who share an interest in and a love of learning and who want to keep active in mind and body

Many of our members say that it is not only the shared learning which they enjoy but also the friendliness of the other members. The social aspects of belonging to a u3a are very important to us.

u3a is not like a school, college or evening class with 'teachers' and 'pupils'. Members share their knowledge and experience and learn together and all are expected to play an active part.

There is no curriculum - members decide for themselves what they want to learn and if they come across an interesting angle they follow it. No qualifications are needed to join and no awards are given - you don't have to prove you have learnt or done something.
